Posted By: Eli Chavarria
You have updated your resume, interviewed well, and have received an offer for a new job. Most individuals who are looking to leave their current role have a reason for seeking a new one. After you hand in your resignation to your supervisor, they might present you with a counter-offer. Here is the best way to handle a counter offer.

Posted By: Eli Chavarria
After a long interview process, you have finally received an offer from a company that wants you to join their team. All your hard work and initiative have finally paid off! Before you officially accept an offer, think about the decision you are making since it will affect your resume and career path down the line.

Posted By: Eli Chavarria
LinkedIn is considered an incredibly important resource in the professional world, but is it actually? LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform that has been around longer than most other popular social media platforms. Now, it is more relevant than ever with not only those looking to change careers, but those who have been laid off and are #OpenToWork.

Posted By: Eli Chavarria
Now that most professionals are working remotely on a daily basis if not part time, technology is playing a key impact on our successes within our remote environments. These environments now include preparing for interviews via video calls. When taking these video interviews, you want to be as prepared as possible. There is still an etiquette to follow when interviewing for these jobs and easy mistakes to be made. Here are some important tips while preparing for your remote video interview.

Posted By: Eli Chavarria
COVID-19 has presented changes for everyone in the world. We can all agree, one of the biggest changes is working from home. In order to be successful while working from home, your habits and routines might need to change in order to find success. We all face unique challenges in our lives, and with our different personalities and with various lifestyles and jobs, the core issues we face while working remote are the same. Everyone who works remotely has to figure out when to work, where to work, and how to create boundaries for a healthy separation between work and personal life. Here are some tips for a more productive remote- working life.

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