Posted By: Eli Chavarria

Now that most professionals are working remotely on a daily basis if not part time, technology is playing a key impact on our successes within our remote environments. These environments now include preparing for interviews via video calls. When taking these video interviews, you want to be as prepared as possible. There is still an "etiquette" to follow when interviewing for these jobs and easy mistakes to be made. Here are some important tips while preparing for your remote video interview.

Many employers rely on, Zoom, a video conferencing software that is free to the job seeker and easy for the employer to set up. Zoom allows you to connect remotely for video or voice call meetings with one or more people. You can turn on/ off the video/ microphone similar to other video conferencing software. If an employer is setting up a Zoom call to interview for a job, it is more than likely they want to see you on video. You should be treating this Zoom interview like any other job interview. You want to download the app on your computer, phone, or tablet prior to the interview so you are comfortable using it. Make sure you are comfortable with using it! Also, make sure it is in a room where you will be distracted and will not distract the interviewer.

Since Zoom interviews are now the same as an in- person interview, your attire should be as such. The attire will vary with your industry and position, but in most cases, that means you should dress in business attire. Men should wear a suit and tie. Women should wear business attire. Avoid clothing that has distracting patterns, large pieces of jewelry, and/ or bright colors. You want to look professional without anything to distract the interviewer. Best colors to wear during an interview are your neutral colors: black, navy, white, grey, and sometimes olive and blush. Make sure it is wrinkle free and looks clean and new. Preparing this ahead of time will save you some stress the day of! The point is to focus on the conversation and your attire should not distract from that.

When it is the day of the remote video interview, you want to be on time, but not early. Now that most individuals are working and interviewing from home, many employers could be using the same "meeting room," or code for all of their interviewees. If you enter too early, you might find yourself in the awkward situation of joining another candidate's interview. To avoid this, log onto your Zoom meeting/ interview 2-3 minutes before your scheduled time. This way you are early, but not too early. Remember though, many recruiters and hiring managers are conducting video interviews for their first time. They are learning on the job and it might not be as smooth as it would be in person. Be patient and understanding. Do not forget to make sure you have the right date, time, and now more so than ever, time zone.

Like most interviews you want to be prepared, not only for the technology piece, but for the interview itself. How do you plan to answer the top interview questions employers ask? Examples of this include:

  • Why did you leave your last job so soon?
  • Why are you looking for a different job than what you've had in the past?
Anticipate the answers to these types of questions. Practice the answers so that when you are asked them in the interview, you feel more relaxed and able to speak about them. Also, research the company itself. What is their mission? What services do they provide?

In return, write down questions YOU want to ask. Employers want to hire people who ask good questions in their job interviews. This can even occur in the interview, you learn pieces of information you want to learn more about or have clarification on. In return, don't be afraid to ask for clarification once or twice to a question or to have the interviewer repeat it. It's better to ask than answering a question when you are not sure what they are asking!

In an interview, you will also want to focus on your interview etiquette. Talk slowly and clearly. You might have a great internet connection on the call, but it might cut out for a fraction of a second here and there. You will be easier to understand if you talk slowly through your response. Another piece of etiquette to practice is your body language. Avoid doing anything that will distract the interviewer from your answers or make you appear tense or nervous. Practice answering and listening without tapping your feet, clenching your jaw, or "talking" with your hands. You want to appear confident, not cocky. Focus on eye contact with the interviewer(s). Practice looking into the webcam when you talk as opposed to the video of yourself on the screen. It will feel more like a real conversation allowing the interviewer to get to know you and your goals better.

Overall, interviewing via video call such as Zoom or Skype will have their challenges as does anything technology based. Just remember to go with the flow. Preparing and practicing these interview skills before the big day will be beneficial not only to how you interview, but how you appear to the interviewer. Practice makes perfect. Be yourself and you will find the right job fit with the help of these tools.

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